Halal Food Week

Presented By

Host Sponsors

Ticketing Partner

Venue Sponsors

Program Sponsors

Social media partner

Knowledge partner

Supported By

Principal Sponsor

Digital Branding

Logo Display

on Website Banner

Logo Display

on Halal Food Week Website

Write-up of Brand

on Halal Food Week Website

Digital Advertising

Dedicated EDM

to all participants of Halal Food Week

Facebook Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Instagram Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Linkedin Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Thought Leadership (HFW Talk)

Opening address x1

Panel Participation x1

Write-up of Brand

Invitation to HFW talks (tickets) x2

Principal Sponsor SGD 20,000

Digital Branding

Private Dining

Additional day of private dining for internal partners/media (12pax)

Extended Audience (HHWT)

Custom Article x1

Short-Form Video to be distributed on HHWT Platform x1

Banner Ads (Worth $2,500)

Dining Destinations SGD 5,000

Digital Branding

Logo Display

on Website Banner

Logo Display

on Halal Food Week Website

Logo Display

on Halal Food Week Website

Digital Advertising

Shared EDM

send to all participants of Halal Food Week

Instagram Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Facebook Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Linkedin Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Thought Leadership (HFW Talk)

Panel Participation x1

Invitation to HFW talks (tickets) x2

Dining Destinations SGD 5,000

Door Gift Sponsorship

Marketing products in goodie bag for participants

Private Dining

Theme Sponsorship (3 Private Dining session per theme)

Physical Branding

Extended Audience (HHWT)

Basic Article x1

Listing Article
- Feature in HHWT's listicle feature for HFW
- First come first serve

FMCG Sponsor SGD 2,500

Digital Branding

Logo Display

on Halal Food Week Website

Write-up of Brand

on Halal Food Week Website

Digital Advertising

Shared EDM

send to all participants of Halal Food Week

Facebook Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Instagram Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Linkedin Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Thought Leadership (HFW Talk)

Invitation to HFW talks (tickets) x2

Physical Branding

Logo printed on Menu - Private Dining

Write-up of Brand

Physical product placement during the private dining event

Thought Leadership (HFW Talk)

Put in marketing products into goodie bag for participants

*Note: FMCG partners commit to extending complimentary ingredients required for the activity.x Your product may appear with complimentary ingredients Min 3 runs for private dining and masterclasses

F&B Establishment Sponsorship SGD 2,500

Digital Branding

Logo Display

on Halal Food Week Website

Write-up of Brand

on Halal Food Week Website

Digital Advertising

Shared EDM

to all participants of Halal Food Week

Facebook Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Instagram Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Linkedin Post

on Halal Food Week Page

Thought Leadership (HFW Talk)

Invitation to HFW talks (tickets) x2

Extended Audience (HHWT)

Listing Article
- Feature in HHWT's listicle feature for HFW
- First come first serve

Shared EDM to HHWT users

Physical Branding

Logo printed on In-store standees that will be distributed to all F&B partners

Logo printed on Sticker Decals that will be distributed to all F&B partners

Note: Restaurants must display decal prominently, share social media posts on event and display in-store standees at the cashier

Prospective Partners

Private Dining

Food Remix

Master classes

Connect With Us

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